#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = Town of Okotoks, Alberta ### Title tour.name = Virtual Tour of the Envionmental Education Centre ## Skin ### Tooltip IconButton_1A691231_7A82_7117_4185_5A0BAC116575.toolTip = Zoom In IconButton_2B6BD1A3_7A9E_933A_41CE_5175D4BD323E.toolTip = Zoom Out Image_5C8FEFF6_76FB_72ED_41AC_73BC74A33C88.toolTip = Enjoy Our 360 Virtual Tour of the Environmental Education Centre in Okotoks, AB Image_63EEB1D2_7781_B315_41B4_16DB5E0F9D1F.toolTip = Browse All 360 Images Image_6444AA2A_7681_910A_41CF_253E8D6463D0.toolTip = How To Use Our Virtual Tour Image_65663004_7782_90FE_41DD_91AB72D3476A.toolTip = Hide 360 Image Browser Image_66AA21CF_767E_730B_41CA_74468834ACF1.toolTip = How To Use Our Virtual Tour ## Media ### Subtitle panorama_7DBBFA91_76B4_D7F3_41DB_05692483DF5C.subtitle = Welcome! ### Title panorama_301FD825_7A87_913F_4166_0AE07571D5B6.label = 13 - River Valley Trees Side View & Climate Change Info Wall panorama_3037CFB4_7A86_EF1E_41D4_268A76570654.label = 14 - Water Shed Table panorama_3066855B_7A82_930B_41B7_9DCD5B560062.label = 7 - 1000 - Living Soil Cont'd & Water Use panorama_30CD8291_7A81_B117_41A6_1A68EDBD0B33.label = 9 - 1880 - Water Well panorama_30D94334_7A81_971E_41D8_5D498A186CA3.label = 10 - 1902 - River Valley Trees & Water Well panorama_32E84787_7A82_9FFA_41C3_83F9DCEDC174.label = 5 - 5600 BCE - Temperature & Living Soil Filtration panorama_33BF2DB9_7A82_7317_41C6_98F452713640.label = 6 - 800 - Living Soil Cont'd & Water Facts panorama_35E57F94_7A86_6F1D_41C9_05ED892EA8EB.label = 12 - 1914 - WWI Aviation panorama_36D2B15A_7A82_930A_41D5_F47E67C60D34.label = 8 - 1712 - Living Soil Cont'd - Water Use panorama_7DB90885_76B4_B3D3_41C8_3299D5F459BE.label = 2 - 15000 BCE - Climate Change Journey panorama_7DB925C8_76B4_5D51_41C6_1FCD0D1EDFEE.label = 3 - 12000 BCE - The "Big Rock" panorama_7DB9331E_76B4_76F1_41CE_630AD0A1CD37.label = 4 - 11000 BCE panorama_7DBB0459_76B4_B373_41B8_9A9DCABAE3F6.label = 16 - Okotoks Water panorama_7DBB0FA1_76B4_CDD3_41C6_D51F67C02E1C.label = 18 - Whole Centre View panorama_7DBB10B0_76B5_B331_41CE_5C58EB14C305.label = 11 - River Valley Trees Wall panorama_7DBB21F2_76B4_D531_41B2_990D98B8D4E6.label = 17 - Okotoks Water Continued panorama_7DBB4D85_76B4_CDD3_41D4_AE999C9FDB17.label = 19 - Okotoks Watershed panorama_7DBB6BD7_76B4_D57F_41D9_CA7AB86041F6.label = 20 - Okotoks Watershed Continued panorama_7DBBE683_76B4_5FD7_41B1_E87332CC0DE3.label = 15 - Okotoks Environmental Information Spinner Unit panorama_7DBBFA91_76B4_D7F3_41DB_05692483DF5C.label = 1 - Environmental Education Centre photo_1DE7FFAD_7B82_6F0F_41D3_787B0DB53338.label = logo-white-outline ## Popup ### Body htmlText_0D32B2AC_7B87_F10D_41DD_F66BDA5BC7C6.html =
Welcome to the Okotoks Environmental Education Centre, located in the Town’s Operations Centre. Come inside to learn more about how water is cleaned and used in Okotoks, how climate change will affect Okotoks, and how storm water research is helping to keep pollution out of the Sheep River!
Zoom in and out by using your mouse scroll wheel (alternatively, you can click on "+" or "-" in the top right).
Look down (at the floor) to view the timeline date circles! This way, you can continue your journey on the climate change timeline.
• Don’t forget to check out the interactive trivia spinners on the wall!
• Click on the black info bubbles to learn more about water, climate change, and pollution reduction around Okotoks!
• Click on the white arrows to navigate between 360 images.
• Click on "SHOW MENU", which lets you jump around the tour quickly.
htmlText_169584CD_7B83_F10E_41D6_1DF1D0475937.html =
Welcome to the Okotoks Environmental Education Centre, located in the Town’s Operations Centre. Come inside to learn more about how water is cleaned and used in Okotoks, how climate change will affect Okotoks, and how storm water research is helping to keep pollution out of the Sheep River!
Zoom in and out by using your mouse scroll wheel (alternatively, you can click on "+" or "-" in the top right).
Look down (at the circles on the floor) to view dates and journey along the climate change timeline!
Click on the interactive trivia spinners on the wall for some fun facts about Okotoks!
Click on the white arrows to navigate between sections of the Centre.
Click on the "SHOW MENU" button, which allows you to choose where you want to go in the tour.
Click on the black info bubbles to learn more about water, climate change, and pollution reduction around Okotoks!
## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_19CAB1C6_7A82_B37A_41C1_C8B459AB6255.toolTip = Pet Waste HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1B58D108_7A86_70F5_41B9_C7F17A910D57.toolTip = Pet Waste HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1C40D812_7A86_9115_41D7_76DC46B3AA27.toolTip = Pet Waste HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1DC8855C_7A86_930D_41DB_674B5B67D499.toolTip = Pet Waste HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2011D393_7A86_B71B_41B4_16BCEB29B831.toolTip = Pet Waste HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_205EA36B_7A81_970A_41CE_5135AFE752D1.toolTip = Pet Waste HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_20A8100B_7A86_F10A_41D5_E3F6F8177B92.toolTip = Pet Waste HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_23621EF7_7A81_911B_41C6_CB5EB12A0B81.toolTip = Pet Waste HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_26302913_7A86_B31B_41CC_C31A7E083C13.toolTip = Pet Waste HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3CDAAEDD_7982_710E_41D5_63E741223C64.toolTip = 16 - Okotoks Environmental Information Spinner Unit ## E-Learning ### Score Name score1.label = Score 1 ### Question Screen quizQuestion_4025BE1B_790F_155B_41B6_2F493BFAD4DF.ok = OK ### Report Screen quizScore_402BFE1B_790F_155B_41C3_A456DC5E0ED1.completion = Completed quizScore_402BFE1B_790F_155B_41C3_A456DC5E0ED1.downloadCSV = Download .csv quizScore_402BFE1B_790F_155B_41C3_A456DC5E0ED1.elapsedTime = Time quizScore_402BFE1B_790F_155B_41C3_A456DC5E0ED1.items = Items Found quizScore_402BFE1B_790F_155B_41C3_A456DC5E0ED1.questions = Questions quizScore_402BFE1B_790F_155B_41C3_A456DC5E0ED1.questionsCorrect = Correct quizScore_402BFE1B_790F_155B_41C3_A456DC5E0ED1.questionsIncorrect = Incorrect quizScore_402BFE1B_790F_155B_41C3_A456DC5E0ED1.repeat = Repeat quizScore_402BFE1B_790F_155B_41C3_A456DC5E0ED1.submitToLMS = Submit quizScore_402BFE1B_790F_155B_41C3_A456DC5E0ED1.title = - SCORE - ### Timeout Screen quizTimeout_40269E1A_790F_1525_41D4_702B6C45DCCD.repeat = Repeat quizTimeout_40269E1A_790F_1525_41D4_702B6C45DCCD.score = View Score quizTimeout_40269E1A_790F_1525_41D4_702B6C45DCCD.title = - TIMEOUT -