
Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP)

What is the TIPP?

The monthly tax payment plan allows taxpayers to make automatic monthly payments for taxes rather than a single annual payment.

How does TIPP work?

The Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) provides property owners with the opportunity to make 12 consecutive monthly property tax payments as opposed to a single, annual payment, making it easier to budget and eliminating the risk of a late payment. Payments will be withdrawn automatically from a bank account on the 1st of each month.

If a property owner is enrolled on the TIPP Program, the monthly installment payment is automatically adjusted to reflect any change in the current year’s tax levels. The Property Tax Notice will indicate the adjusted monthly payment amount.

Please note any arrears utilities that is transferred to the tax roll will affect your TIPP withdrawals.

Benefits to the TIPP program:

  • No waiting in line to make payments
  • No missed deadlines
  • No concerns with regards to payments being lost in the mail
  • No tax penalties (as long as monthly payments are kept current)
  • No lump sum payments
  • No need to reapply each year, once you are enrolled

NOTE: Current participants do not need to reapply.

How to Enroll 

You can enroll anytime, but to have your enrollment apply to the current year:

  • You must enroll by the 22nd of each month.
  • Pro-rated payment of this year's taxes must be made with your application. For example, if you enroll by June 22, you must pay six months of this year’s taxes up front. Monthly installments would then apply for the July to December payments.
  • You must have no balance owing (taxes, penalties or utilities) from previous years.

Online Forms

School support notice

TIPP application

TIPP Termination

To enroll in the TIPP payment option for the future year:

  • The enrollment deadline is December 10
  • The current year's taxes (and penalties) must be paid in full by December 31
  • Your monthly payment for the future year’s taxes will begin January 1
  • Your monthly payment will be adjusted July 1 to take into account any change to the tax levy

You will need to complete and submit the online TIPP application

TIPP Application

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