The government of Canada conducted a federal census in 2021, and the official population for Okotoks is 30,405.
A municipal census is an official count of the number of people living in Okotoks at a given point in time.
The primary purpose for conducting the census is to produce an accurate population count. This count provides the basis for calculating per capita grants received by the Town of Okotoks. These grants represent a substantial amount of money and improve the quality of life for Okotokians.
Residents of all municipalities use public services such as schools, roads, recreational facilities, emergency services, police services and libraries. Current, reliable census data is an essential tool which enables the Town of Okotoks to anticipate and adapt to change. Basing decisions on constantly updated demographics results in more appropriate use of revenue and resources. It also allows the Town to be proactive in its response to multiple demands, shifts in priorities and rapid changes that the future will bring.