
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

Under the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Okotoks must create a position of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). 

The CAO:

  1. Is the administrative head of the municipality and thus all members of administration are accountable to the CAO.
  2. Ensures that the policies and programs of the municipality are implemented.
  3. Advises and informs Council on the operations and affairs of the municipality.
  4. Performs the duties and functions and exercises the powers assigned to the CAO through Bylaw 16-24.

Contact info:

Elaine Vincent
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Okotoks

Contact online*

*select Chief Administrative Officer from the drop down menu

Elaine Vincent joined the Town of Okotoks September 1, 2016 as the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).  The CAO is responsible for implementing the strategic direction established by Council, and is focused on the key priority areas of managing community growth, fostering economic vitality, providing quality community infrastructure, promoting environmental stewardship, ensuring a healthy and safe community, and providing strong governance while maintaining organizational excellence. 

On July 1, 2017 annexation of close to 4900 acres of land into the Town of Okotoks became a reality and strong leadership is required to ensure continued environmental and fiscal excellence in a time of transition and growth.

The Town's Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) consists of the Chief Administrative Officer and 5 Directors. This team is responsible for the implementation of Council's strategic direction and providing leadership, direction and clarity to the Town’s staff. The SLT ensures that core services are delivered to residents in the most efficient and effective manner. The team is also responsible for advising Council on the rewards and risks of their proposed policies and plans.

NamePositionPhone Number
Elaine VincentChief Administrative Officer403-938-8900
Angela WhitneyCommunity Safety & Organizational Excellence Director403-938-8939
Christa MichailuckParks & Recreation Director403-938-8908
Jeff GreeneCommunity Growth and Identity Director403-995-2793
Jeremy HuetOperations & Utilities Director403-938-8910
Ralph EttenauerChief Financial Officer403-938-8909
Ben MorganCommunications, Government & Indigenous Senior Strategist403-995-2791
Robyn MarsdenPlanning & Identity Senior Manager403-842-0252
Paula BernatPeople, Policy & Technology Senior Manager403-995-6300


View the Town's organizational chart in a larger format (PDF).

Okotoks Organizational Chart 2024
Last Updated: