
Waste Services Fees

Rates effective as of January 1, 2025 as per the Rates and Fees Bylaw.

Solid waste (garbage, recycling and organics) collection is billed bi-monthly as part of your utility bill. Below is a breakdown of the costs and options for single-family, multi-family and the ICI sector.

Residential Dwellings (up to six dwelling units)

Cart Services

Note: Use the rates below to calculate your fee per billing period if you do not have the standard service. (Final cost must include a garbage, recycling, organics and Eco Centre fee)

Cart and Bag FeesRateDetails
120L Garbage Cart$17.60Per bi-monthly billing period
240L Garbage Cart$35.25Per bi-monthly billing period
240L Recycling Cart$12.00Per bi-monthly billing period
360L Recycling Cart$13.25Per bi-monthly billing period
120L Organics Cart$17.60Per bi-monthly billing period
240L Organics Cart$20.75Per bi-monthly billing period
Eco Centre Fee$11.60Per bi-monthly billing period
Excess Garbage Bag$5/bagFor times you exceed your weekly garbage limit. Bags are available at the Municipal Centre, Recreation Centre, Sobeys and Safeway
Cart Change Fee$25.00Per cart/occurrence



Penalty FeesRateDetails
Arrears Notice (5 working days after penalty date)$35.00Per occurrence
Transfers to taxes (2 weeks after date of arrears notice)$50.00Per occurrence
Penalties on all amounts in arrears4% penaltyOn penalty date, which is the 1st of the following month
Last Updated: